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Sound therapy is the use of vibrations via different instruments/sounds to re-align, re-tune and bring about harmony within the body's systems. It is the realignment of the body's natural energies, which fuel the meridians and seven Chakras. This is a passive treatment where the recipient is either lying or sitting and allowing the mind to relax into a meditative state to allow the healing process to occur. When the body is out of alignment sometimes physical and emotional difficulties may occur. This form of healing is excellent for healing the mind/ body/spirit, while creating energy, clarity and fueling creativity.

Individual sessions are provided via online or in person. Covid 19 protocols will be followed.   The patients are able to lie down or sit while the session is being performed. 

Group sessions known as Sound Baths are provided monthly in person at One Yoga For All located in the Bronx or via online (Zoom) platforms. Private groups can also be arranged at a designated location. Please see the workshop/ group list or contact me for pricing.

Corporate Packages are also available "Wellness in the Workplace". Productivity may decrease and discord may occur in the work place when we are out of balance. The use of Sound therapy in helping to bring about harmony and re balancing can also improve work function and enhance performance.

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